When I was about 13, we lived in Pleasant Grove, Utah. My best friend was Susan Kay, and she lived a few blocks away, down a hill. It was just before Halloween, and Susan was throwing a party. It was after dark; I was walking from my house to Susan's, with another friend, whose name I can't remember right now {dangit!}. There was a huge field* that we had to walk around, because there were cows in the field, and stepping in wet cow poo is just nasty. We had just passed a street light, and it went out. That sorta freaked us out, since we had just watched a scary movie at my house. Then a black pickup truck passed us
real slow going in the opposite direction, and the driver seemed like he was looking at us. We were pretty freaked out now. We started walking faster. Then the truck came back the
direction we were walking, and we were
totally freaked out! There was a huge rock on our side of the road, so we hid behind it. The truck stopped about 30 feet away, the driver got out, and got something from the back of his truck--it looked like a crowbar.
We ran.I have never run so fast in my life. I think we covered the last block in 4 seconds.
When we got to Susan's house, we didn't even knock (something her dad was anal about), we just busted in, slammed the door shut, closed all the blinds, turned off all the lights, and kept screaming, "He's after us, he's after us!" We told everybody what happened, and nobody believed us.
Until the black truck passed her house, driving
real slow.
As I typed this just now, I couldn't help laughing. But at the time, I thought I was about to be murdered.
*it now holds about 12 houses~~come to think of it, the other side of the street was a ginormous field at the time, too; it had horses. The landscape changed a LOT over the 5 years we lived there, because of the amount of new-house construction. We went from "living on the edge of wilderness" to just barely being able to see it from the front yard....